The Best Paranormal Investigation Equipment on Amazon in 2024
Chosen By Two Faces Podcast
An EMF (Electromagnetic Field) meter measures electric and magnetic fields. Some also detect radio frequency radiation.
Our favorite is the GQ EMF-390. It measures all three at once, even speculating on-screen what it believes is the source. It often says ‘WiFi/Phone” or “Power Line,” but for a mysterious reading, it may say “Mixed” or “Other.”
EMF Meters
Tips: We recommend primarily watching EMF mode readings, measured in mG or μT. A good budget EMF meter like this second option may also include a thermometer to watch for sudden chills.
IR Cams
Infrared (IR) Cameras use light beyond the red end of the spectrum, not visible to the human eye. These allow you to see in complete darkness.
Thermal Cams
Thermal Cameras ‘see’ surface temperatures. Phone-accessory versions offer the best resolution for the price.
At its core, the REM (Radiating Electromagnetic) Pod is basically a theremin, a musical instrument played without physical contact. Creating an electromagnetic field around itself, the device detects a disturbance in this bubble as a change in capacitance, and alerts.
This version also detects temperature drops.
Cat Balls
Cat Balls flash brightly, but only when significantly jostled or rolled.
The Kinect SLS (Structured Light Sensor) Camera projects a grid of infrared dots to capture 3D images by measuring reflection times. Paired with AI skeletal mapping, it can detect unseen humanoid figures. In fact, Microsoft’s own free SDK software does exactly this.
Tips: The original 360 Kinect works on low-power PC tablets, while a newer Xbox One Kinect (‘V2’ or ‘XLS’) needs a beefier PC, (or laptop) ideally with a graphics card. Using screen capture software can drastically reduce the framerate, so we recommend a separate video recorder box.
Kinect SLS
GhostTube SLS Camera is an app for AI skeletal mapping using your phone’s camera. Apple devices with LiDAR can also capture 3D depth data like the Kinect V2.
The iOvilus app functions similar to the physical Ovilus device, also designed by Bill Chappell, for translating sensor readings into words. The theory is that disembodied intelligence can influence environmental factors to select words from a built-in dictionary. The app then displays and speaks the chosen word.
Paranormal Sensor Station
Designed and programmed by Two Faces, the Paranormal Sensor Station is a tiny bluetooth data collection computer with a modular suite of sensors, available now!
Paranormal Sensor Station
Designed and programmed by Two Faces, the Paranormal Sensor Station is a tiny bluetooth data collection computer with a modular suite of sensors, available now!